
Friday, November 9, 2012

Dark Knight Double Whammy

Holy Blu-Ray, Batman!

Winter is a damned good time for Batman: we have The Dark Knight Rises coming to home release on December 4, and then Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (animated feature) on January 29, 2013.

Michael Emerson of LOST will be doing the voice for The Joker in 'Returns' and I'm sure he does a fantastic job. The Joker in Frank Miller's famed graphic novel, "The Dark Knight Returns" is a little bit different, so I think Emerson will match it really well. Actually, my favorite part about Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 is the ending, so I'm already excited . . .
As for 'Rises', I recently made a post that I'm not that excited about the blu-ray release. It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, as I will certainly be at the door on the morning of its release. I'm mostly looking forward to the special features, as well as being able to read subtitles (there is a line by John Blake that I do not understand).

After experiencing it on IMAX ten times during its run (not bad), I look forward to stretching out on the couch during all 2 hours and 40 minutes. Plus, when I have a day to waste, I can't think of a better way to spend it than as a couch potato running a Dark Knight Trilogy marathon! 

Speaking of formats, have you seen or heard of the new 4K and 8K TV's slowly making their way to market? They are 8 and 16 times the resolution of 1080p, respectively (8K apparently approaches IMAX resolution). I'm sure the color quality, sound, and contrast ratios are superior, to boot. I wonder what kind of format will support it, i.e. what will come after blu-ray?

Nevertheless, these new ultra high resolution displays are absurdly expensive, but if I could afford it, I'd get an 8K projector with the largest, creamiest screen and 22.1 surround sound with enough watts to wake up the zoo.

Here is an awesome trailer for The Dark Knight Rises blu-ray release:

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